Area Of Services:

Our Clients are SME’s, Corporate Companies & Individual Clients almost cover every sector in industry.

We are providing consultancy services in below sectors:
  • Oil & Gas Industry
  • Aviation
  • FMCG
  • Construction & Real Estates
  • Shipping & Marine Industry
  • IT Industry
  • Education Industry

Services Practices / Industry

  • Antitrust and Competition Law
  • Corporate and Commercial Law
  • Enforcement and Investigation
  • Financial Restructuring
  • Intellectual Property
  • Projects
  • Manufacturing
  • Private Equity
  • Real Estate
  • Regulatory
  • Tax
  • Arbitration & Dispute Resolution for Business
  • UAE Employment & Labour Law

Verification Of Signatures And Documents :

Do you need an officially verified signature on the sales contract or another document? You no longer have to go to the notary or municipal office; it is possible to get an officially verified signature at the law office. A lawyer can verify signatures on documents written by them as well as on documents not prepared by them, provided that the respective person signs such document in the presence of the lawyer. This is the so-called certificate of authenticity of the signature.

Our law office offers its clients the service of official verification of signatures at its headquarters as well as in any other place.

A minimum fee charge for one verified signature is charged for this service.

In the case that the law or the client requires an officially verified signature on the document prepared by us, the price for the verification of signature is usually already included in our reward for preparing the document.